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Snape Exhibition 2013
Please "click" on any 'thumbnail' image to see an enlarged image and start a slide show of all images.
During the slideshow, please use the controls at the foot of each image to pause the slides, move to the next, or previous, slide or return to the index page of all the 'thumbnails'.
Snape Gallery - 1
Snape Gallery - 2
Crowds 6
Central Display
Wall Display including reflections
Shop Area
Cats Display
Shelf Life 1
Shelf Life 2
Chris Bojan - Buy One Get one Free
Chris Bojan - Toucan Tango
Chris Bojan - Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area
Chris Bonnett - Mad March Hare II
Chris Bonnett - Queen of Hearts
Chris Bonnett - The Queen's Croquet Ground
Eileen - Bird in the Hand
Eileen - Alley Cat II
Eileen - Catfish II
Eileen - Fat Cats
Eileen - Set the Cat amongst the Pigeons
Eileen - The Cat that got the Cream
Elizabeth - 3 pieces
Karen - Birds 1
Karen - Birds 2 Dot - Salt & Vinegar
Liz - Time is what we want most
Liz - Footprints on the sands of Time
Liz - You may delay but time will not
Rita - Live Wire
Rita - Saxappeal II
Rita - Violeaf
Tabatha - Off with her heels
Tabatha - The Time, The Time, Who has the Time
Tabatha - Thinking Outside the Box
Tabatha - You could at least make polite conversation
Wendy - A Garden Lost in Time
Wendy - Overheard
Zoe - On a Wing and a Prayer I
Zoe - On a Wing and a Prayer II
Zoe - Scaled Up Series 2
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