Wendy Greene
Please click on the Photo of one of Wendy's pieces below to see images of her work

One of Wendy's "Cityscape" series
Wendy Greene’s inspiration is drawn from ordinary, everyday situations and objects in the environment. She favours presenting her work with a slightly surreal flavour.
Her recent work has focussed on preserving scenes from her recent visit to India, earlier in 2005. These works are based on her feelings for the country - the colours, the sounds, the smells and the movement of the people, all play their part. She prefers to work with silk materials and threads, much of which has been collected on her travels to the far East. Her main aim, in her work, is to entertain. Wendy likes to use relevant found objects and materials to support and enhance her work.
Wendy took up embroidery only after retiring from teaching in 1995. After gaining her part II City & Guilds Certificate in Creative Embroidery she began studying with the Opus School of Textile Art. She has completed two years with Opus, on the degree course and is, of course, a member of O.T.T.
She has exhibited at the Mall Galleries in London, Ramster House in Surrey, Braintree Museum and Art Gallery, and the Lindsell Gallery near Dunmow.